Interactive, graphic web-app for sketching graphs of functions
Tap diagram where you'd like to add points. If not on touch screen, move crosshair over the desired locations and click to add points. Points will be connected automatically left to right to create sketch.
Submit If you are happy with your sketch press Submit to reveal solution.
Erase To delete sketch and restart drawing press Erase.
Try Again Fancy re-sketching graph after the solution's been displayed? Simply press Try Again.
New To sketch a new function of the same type press New.
Back to List For sketching graphs of other functions press Back to List.
Power function
Powers of numbers are used across disciplines. The power function is written in the following general form: \[y=x^n\]The power function can be moved around in the coordinate system, flipped and stretched using the more general\[y=a(x+b)^c+d\]form. Sketch the graph of the function: \(y=(x+1)^{3}-2\)